File won't decode correctly using "Decode - Super Smart" It's unlikely but possible that "Decode - Super Smart" will be unable to decode a particular file. This is possible because some assumptions have been made about the expected format of an encoded file. The format standards are VERY loose. You should make sure that the individual articles were saved in the correct order during your Read News session. If the parts are in order and the file still will not decode, you should try the "Decode - No Frills" option. This is the same as most other uudecoders. To use it you must first edit out the article headers and footers, and then join the parts together in one file (See UNIX to Mac Text). "Decode - No Frills" expects to find nothing but uuencoded text between the "begin" and "end" markers. It's also possible that the file is corrupt and that no uudecoder will be able to help.